"...but I have two left feet!"
Tango for everybody.
The world's best tango dancers did not all have a background in dance. Unlike other forms of dance, Tango can be danced to a high level at any age or fitness level because its essence lies in human connection and self-expression.
At Northern Tango Academy, we encourage students to find their voice by following a comprehensive method adaptable to all.
Your first tango steps...
Approaching a new discipline can be overwhelming. Once you take the first leap, you are well on your way! Here are our suggestions on how to get started, meet like-minded people and make the most out of what Tango has to offer.

Find a class
Start by attending a beginner's class or course. In these sessions you will learn the very basics of Tango: the walk, pivots, the embrace and some simple sequences. Make sure to let the teacher know that this is your very first time dancing, so they can give you extra attention to get you started! Ask questions, get feedback from your peers, listen with an open mind and enjoy being a beginner - it won't last long!

Meet people
Argentine Tango is a "social dance". We encourage you to get chatting with your peers and teachers: recognise that more than just steps, Tango is a way to connect with others and have a good time. Go to a milonga! Milongas are social dance events where people gather to dance and enjoy themselves. Even if you are not ready to dance yet, it is the perfect place to hang out, learn by watching and get the gist of what all the fuss is about.

Find your path
There are plenty of resources to help you progress on your journey. Make sure to sign up to the monthly newsletter to get weekly practice videos! Ask your teacher if you are ready to progress onto the next level. You might like to take a private class to accelerate your learning. For a deep dive into the world of Tango, join us on an intensive retreat, or our yearly tour of Buenos Aires, the birthplace and Mecca of Tango.