Beginners Course
7:30pm - 8:30pm
A 4-week course covering the absolute basics of Tango. In this time you will learn:
basic principles of connection
the Tango walk
basic sequences that integrating these elements.
By the end of the course you will be ready to progress onto the next level (improvers), however, we recommend taking the course more than once in order to get a solid understanding of the material and get the most out of the improvers classes.
Please check here for availablilty.

Walker Memorial Hall, Ampton Road, Birmingham, UK
£35 for 4 weeks if booked in advance or £10 per class (pay as you go)
7:30pm - 8:30pm
In this class we look closer at the mechanics of Tango and work to develop body-awareness through solo and partner exercises. Sequences are broken down in order to study the finer details of movement and connection in the dance: the "how".
Exercises will always be adapted to the individual level of the student.
Requirements: Beginners course or equivalent.

Walker Memorial Hall, Ampton Road, Birmingham, UK
£10 per class including practica / £8 students
£15 for both classes including practica / £12 students
Payment by cash or card.
8:45pm - 9:45pm
An intermediate/advanced group class which will take your dance to a whole new level. Students are encouraged to start creating their own sequences and linking them with fluidity and musicality. Followers are taught to be more active in their own right, making for a deeper and more meaningful connection.
Levels may vary within the class so the content is adapted and students are challenged depending on their ability.

Walker Memorial Hall, Ampton Road, Birmingham, UK
£10 per class including practica / £8 students
£15 for both classes including practica / £12 students
Payment by cash or card.
Guided Practica
9:45pm - 10:30 pm
A space after class for personal practice for you to continue exploring class content and get help from the teachers if you need further explanations. You are welcome to use this time to relax, socialise and "just dance"! We encourage students to ask questions, especially if there are things you didn't understand. The teachers will be here to assist you, provide feedback and give you tips to progress.

Walker Memorial Hall, Ampton Road, Birmingham, UK
The practica is free for students attending any of the classes that day.